Senior  Pastor Rob Sparr


A Little About Me: I am blessed to be the Senior Pastor of Graystone EPC. Before I came to Graystone, I served as a Pastor in Hudson Ohio and Allison Park PA, as well as being a Youth Pastor in Shaler and Sharon PA. I am a native Pittsburgher, and attended Geneva College where I met my wife, Heather. We have been married for well over 2 decades, and are blessed to have three wonderful adult children and a daughter in law. I attended Trinity School for Ministry for my Master’s degree, and this is where I grew in my passion to bring people to Jesus, and to help them learn to follow Him (Luke 5:27-28) with their entire lives and live in the hope that only Jesus can bring (Romans 15:13)

Something I love about Graystone: The passion to follow Jesus. What a joy it is to be part of a Church family that wants to seek the Lord, be led by the Holy Spirit, to know Him through His Word, and to reach out to others with the love and grace of Jesus. All while loving each other.   

What I do for Fun: I love baseball, especially Pittsburgh Pirates baseball! I also enjoy good coffee, trying new types of beans and brewing methods, and the joy of being with people around a good “cup”. 

Associate pastor Joe Stroup

A Little About Me: I joined the Graystone team in January 2016 and before that, my wife, Brittany, and I lived with our two kids in the Bay Area of California. We miss the sunny days, but love the snow and especially the fall here in Indiana. We live in the Borough and love cooking and having day trip adventures in to Pittsburgh. I have a heart for seeing families love their kids well and for kids finding their place in the greater Church family.

Something I love about Graystone: This church family is really that, a family. I have felt so embraced and welcome since we arrived here and I feel honored and blessed to call this our church home. It’s an awesome thing to have a church family that embraces you! 

What I Do For Fun: I love cooking and trying out new recipes and Brittany and I are always looking for fun new cooking techniques and ideas to try out. If you like Asian food, we’ve found a few good go to dishes that are worth taking the time to find the right tools and ingredients to make. 

I also love games. Board games, card games, video games, I just love to play and especially how playing games brings people together.